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Re: Xconq GDL change

>On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 15:21, Hans Ronne wrote:
>> The bigicons gvar is no longer supported. If you used it in a game file,
>> just remove it. Xconq now automatically detects if you are using big
>> Civ-type icons and adjusts drawing accordingly.
>I see that if a game mixes big Civ-type icons with normal-sized icons,
>they all appear big.  Is there be any way to override this behavior if I
>have reason to do so?

No, that's not how it works. If you mix both types of icons in a game, big
icons still appear big and small icons appear small. The only thing that is
controlled by big_unit_images (or the old g_bigicons) is how big the
grouping boxes are, and what spacing is used between icons within a
grouping box. If there are any big icons around at all, larger grouping
boxes are drawn so that there is room for these icons, if necessary.


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