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How to install and run Xconq for Windows

This is an updated and abbreviated repost of the install and run
instructions for Windows.


If you don't want to build Xconq  yourself you can download fresh Win32
binaries from this page:

You also need to download and install ActiveTcl (either or from

Finally, you need to check out the current Xconq sources. In order to do
this you first need to donwload and install a CVS client such as WinCVS
( Then connect to Use the
pserver protocol and log in as "anoncvs" (password "anoncvs"). Check
out the xconq-win module.

You need the sources even if you are using the compiled binaries because
they contain all the library, images and Tcl script files.

1. Get a fresh copy of the xconq CVS sources.
2. Put the compiled app (WconqTCL.exe) in the top (xconq) directory.
3. Also put tcl83.dll and tk83.dll (or tcl84.dll and tk84.dll) from
    ActiveState there.
4. Make a directory named "lib" at the top of the volume (e.g. "C:\lib").
5. Put the tcl8.3 and tk8.3 (or tcl8.4 and tk8.4) directories from
    ActiveState inside the "lib" dir.

There may be other places where you can put tcl8.3 and tk8.3 depending
on how your system is configured, but the top level "lib" directory will
always work. If you are using Cygwin you should put them in a directory
named xconq/share.

If you have problems running the app you should look for a file named
"Xconq.Warnings" in the same directory as WconqTCL.exe. It will tell
you what files Xconq failed to find, and where it was looking for them.
Putting copies of the files wherever Xconq think they should be usually
solves the problem.


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