Table Request: Accident-Occupant-Effect

Eric McDonald
Thu Sep 23 03:10:00 GMT 2004

Elijah Meeks wrote:

> Only accidents don't affect occupants.  So, if anyone
> can think of a better solution to this problem, let me
> know, otherwise, if somebody in the know gets the
> chance, I think it's worthwhile to see accidents
> affect occupants.

Or how about a new unit property, 'auto-upgrade-chance'? By default this 
would be 100%, so as to not interfere with the regular auto-upgrade 
mechnaism. However, you could set it to 25%, and make sure that no 
materials, advances, size, etc... are required for the auto-upgrade. 
This feels less hackish than using accidents for such purpose, and may 
prove useful in other situations as well.


P.S. Between you and Lincoln, it sounds like I am going to be doing 
kernel hacking rather than SDL UI hacking this weekend. I guess I'll 
have to cloister myself in a monastery somewhere with a laptop and no 
access to the outside world, if I ever want to stay on track. :-)

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