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Re: Cow patties, and keeping them asleep

>On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 17:59, wrote:
>> automatically wake up whenever the transport wakes up, and the transport
>> wakes up whenever an enemy unit comes in sight.  The end result is that
>> it destroys playability because the player has to spend most of the time
>> putting cow patties back to sleep.

>But, in the short term, I might agree that we should make some behavior
>modifications. Perhaps, only wake occupants, if enemy attacks transport
>or if enemy is within move-range of transport? If enemy seen, then do
>not wake occupants?

To not wake up occupants when transports are woken was actually the way
xconq worked until a few years ago. However, it was changed for good
reasons. Defenders of a city must wake up in time to do anything about an
impending attack. For example, you may have artillery or bombers inside
that are able of ranged attacks. So this behaviour makes sense in most
cases. It would be rather easy, though, to add an
occupant-wakes-with-transport table which makes it possible to customize
the behaviour for different combinations of unit types.

>If no one has any objections, then I think something like:
>/* Adjust for transport, if in one. */
>if (unit->transport) {
>  acp = (acp * uu_acp_occ_effect(unit->transport->type, u)) / 100;
>could go after the for_all_occupants loop. I will patch the code if no
>objections are made to this. (I will also update the reporting of the
>effect in help.c)
>Then you could do something like:
>(table acp-occupant-effect add
>  (manure-hauler cow-patty 0%)

But that would still make it impossible to disembark the unit (and also
picl it up by clicking on it - that actually uses up acps of the unit that
is picked up).


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