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Re: Auto Change-Type?

On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 16:23, Eric McDonald wrote:
> Actually, the answer is yes, mostly. I implemented it several 
> months ago, and it is mentioned in the HTML change log on the 
> Xconq Web site. Look at the documentation for the 
> 'auto-upgrade-to' unit property, also see the 
> 'change-type-acp-test.g' "game" in the test/manual 
> directory (in CVS, not yet in the packages).
> It is used in Bellum II. You might also want to look at Lincoln's 
> BoloDD games; I don't remember whether it is used there or not, 
> but change-type, in general is used there and in Bellum.

bolodd3.g does use the automatic change-type mechanism.  Currently, it
causes a base to automatically change to a base of the next level when
it reaches a certain size, although eventually I hope to make it more
sophisticated than that.

Lincoln Peters

In Oz, never say "krizzle kroo" to a Woozy.

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