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(Mac?) Interface q's

I am concerned that my play habits may be sufficiently unorthodox that I may be unintentionally testing little-used portions of the Xconq code or little-explored interaction between code segments. Similarly, I fear that games I develop would be inadequately tested for "normal" users if I'm using a strange set-up. So...

First, how common is use of the Sequential option? I prefer this form of play, since I am usually playing solitaire. Is the structure of the Xconq code such that separate testing of a game module is needed to assure proper behavior in simultaneous, multi-player mode?

Second, what is the "standard" or most usual setup for the following interface parameters:

1) Move on click
2) Auto jump next
3) Auto end turn

I keep get confused trying to find the most convenient way to play the games. Turning any of the above options to "true" is somewhat uncomfortable for my style of game play, but I have the impression that most players turn all 3 of these on (they are the defaults).

Re auto jump next: I always turn this off, preferring to select which unit to move next manually. I use two different approaches (usually at the same time): A) I open a List window to view all my units and easily see which are idle and/or have unused ACP. Clicking in the list window changes the selected unit in the map window as well and auto-centers the map. B) I turn off "move on click" so that clicking on a unit in the map window selects it. But I get some strange behavior in this mode (see separate email for but report), so I suspect this is unorthodox. But I play this way because of the next question...

Third, is there some way to manually select the next unit to give orders to when "move on click" is true? Using the list window works, but is there some command-click or character code that lets one select the unit using the mouse? With move on click true, clicking on another unit tries to move the already active unit onto/into the clicked unit. With move on click false, typing "m" in the mac interface sets the interface to interpret the next click as the target hex. Isn't there a similar "hotkey" with move on click on that will cause the interface to interpret the next map click as selecting a new active unit?

Fourth, is there any way to control the order in which "auto jump" visits my units (at the player interface level, not the game design level)?

Thanks in advance for your advice.


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