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Re: Major bug and what to do about it (long)

>>If the action check failed because the unit view doesn't not
>>correspond to an actual unit at the given position, then the task
>>logic should make a callback to the AI or UI to remove the unit
>>view, IMO. This would break the cycle.
>Yes, I thought about that. However, since failed tasks do not consume acps,
>this would provide a cost-free way to probe the terrain for real vs. bogus
>enemy units.

To follow up, this problem already exists with the current code. If I
switch off the AI and try to hit the same bogus unit view with a manual 'f'
command I get the anser "No visible unit there" (and no acp is consumed).
So probing the terrain for free is already possible, precisely because
do_hit_unit_task tries to do a fire_at_action (or an attack_action) instead
of a fire_into_action (or an overrun_action). Only the latter are really
safe to use in a unit view context.


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