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Re: SAXON 5.3.1 is available (SAXON interest only)

Is there some problem with the saxon.xsl list? I sent
a message reporting an error with 5.3.1 on 4-23 and
another on 4-24. Neither message has shown up on
the list. I am reporting here as a last resort.

I am getting a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
error with 5.3.1. I managed to create a pared down
stylesheet that produces the error. I have been using Instant
Saxon for 5.2 but am now wanting to use the Java version. The
Java version of 5.3.1 does not produce the same results for me
as Instant Saxon 5.2. In the process of trying to isolate the
difference between the two versions I encountered the array
bounds error and ended up focusing on getting an example that
produces that.

1. In the process of paring down the example below the numeric
attribute for the out of bounds exception went from 6 down  to 1.
In several, if not all of the cases, the reduction in the value
corresponded to the removal of a function parameter.
[stack issue?].
2. When I had saxon:trace="yes" the 5.3.1 version would report
lines numbers of -1 (the second line number displayed on the
trace output).

Attached is a styelesheet that produces the array bounds error.

Bill Rishel
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""  version="1.0"
This stylesheet produces the following error with Saxon 5.3.1:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1

<xsl:template match="/">
		<xsl:call-template name="TestFunction"/>

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   TestFunction   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<xsl:template name="TestFunction">

	<xsl:variable name="tmp-derive-from">
		<xsl:element name="top">
			<xsl:element name="debug"/>

	<xsl:variable name="super" select="//non-existent"/>

		<xsl:for-each select="*">
				<xsl:call-template name="GetElem">
					<xsl:with-param name="element-set" select="$super/*"/>

<!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   GetElem   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<xsl:template name="GetElem">
	<xsl:param name="element-set"/>

	<xsl:copy-of select="$element-set[@name]"/>


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