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Re: Selecting case insensitively


>Thanks for your help. I tried using the key solution and it worked perfectly.
>However, I have not been able to get the correct results using the non-key
>approach. I changed following to preceding as you suggested. So now my XPath
>looks like this:
>  Test/location/state[not(translate(.,$lowercase,$uppercase)=
>                          translate(preceding::state,$lowercase,$uppercase))]

I know why it's not working (and I'm sorry for misleading you about why
your previous version wasn't working).  The reason is that this is finding
any state where the traslated value of the state is not the same as the
translated value of  preceding::state.

preceding::state is a node list; using it within translate() converts it
into a string by taking the string value of the node that is first in
document order, 'xxxx' in your case.  Effectively, then, you are finding
states where the content of the state is not 'xxxx' (if the state has a
preceding state).

What you want to do is test whether there are any preceding states that
have the same (translated) value as the state you're looking at.  I'm
afraid that my mind's gone absolutely blank about how to achieve this on a
one-pass XPath.  You want something like:

  Test/location/state[not(preceding::state[translate(., $lowercase,
      = translate(????, $lowercase, $uppercase)])]

but I can't think of anything that you can put in place of the ???? that
will make it work.  Perhaps someone else has a clue, but I'm leaning
towards saying that it can't be done.  If you don't want to use keys, you
probably need to have a two-stage pass that does something like:

<xsl:for-each select="Test/location/state">
  <xsl:variable name="state" select="translate(., $lowercase, $uppercase)" />
  <xsl:if test="not(preceding::state[translate(., $lowercase, $uppercase) =
    <!-- do what you want to do -->

Sorry I can't be of more help,


Jeni Tennison

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