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RE: problem sorting uniquely w/transform()

> 		<xsl:for-each
> select="//LEAGUE[not(translate(@NAME,$lower,$upper)=translate(
> preceding::*/@ NAME,$lower,$upper))]">

When you write
string(@name) = preceding-sibling::*/@name

you are comparing a string to a node-set, and the result is true if the
string matches the strig-value of any node in the node-set. It's shorthand
for "if there exists an X in preceding-sibling::*/@name such that
string(@name) = X".

When you write
string(@name) = translate(preceding-sibling::*/@name, $x, $y)

you are comparing a string to a string, so the implicit "if there exists" is
lost. The translate function creates a single string, based on converting
the first preceding-sibling (in document order), and you are only comparing
with this one.

Mike Kay

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