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RE: write out '&' instead of '&'

>Jeni wrote:
>  <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&amp;#</xsl:text>
>  <xsl:value-of select="$entityNumber" />
>  <xsl:text>;</xsl:text>

>Michael wrote:

>Chris is using Xalan, and doesn't say what version. I haven't yet
>tried disable-output-escaping in the latest versions, either Java 
>or C++, but the older versions, including the ones packaged
>with Cocoon, can misbehave in this area, so even following 
>Jeni's  instructions may not help Chris here. However,
>Saxon will work correctly, if that's an option for 
>you, Chris.

Hi Jeni and Michael,

The solution Jeni gave worked! I'm new to xslt, just started with the latest
version of Xalan for Java 2. I'll check out Saxon as well. 

Thanks a lot!

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