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Re: Finding another element with the same name as thecurrent node

Thankyou so much! This explanation is just wonderful! One thing I am
wondering, with the key option:

<xsl:apply-templates select="key('branch1-elements', name())" />

Is why I don't need name() = name(current() like I do for the other options?


On 2/2/01 12:51 AM, "Jeni Tennison" <> wrote:

> Hi Jo,
>> My xml document has two main "branches" and while processing
>> elements in one branch I need to find an element in the other branch
>> with the same name and extract the value of one of its attributes.
>> Is there a way of finding the name of the element currently being
>> processed in a for-each loop and inserting it as a variable within
>> the loop?
> You're almost there.  This is the bit that you're having difficulty
> with:
> <xsl:apply-templates select="//branch1/NAME_OF_CURRENT_ELEMENT">
> You can get the name of the current element using:
> name(current())
> You can test whether the name of some context element is equal to that
> name with:
> name() = name(current())
> So if you select all the element children of branch1 and then filter
> those with a predicate so that only those with the same name as the
> current element are selected, then you'll get what you want:
> <xsl:apply-templates select="//branch1/*[name() = name(current())]">
> Rather than using name(current()) you may find it clearer to store the
> name of the current node in a variable, and then use that:
> <xsl:variable name="el-name" select="name()" />
> <xsl:apply-templates select="//branch1/*[name() = $el-name]" />
> [Aside: I've used name() in the above because it looks as though
> that's all you need in your example, but if you have namespaces
> floating around the place, then you might want to use local-name(),
> perhaps combined with namespace-uri() or a namespace-specific node
> test instead.]
> If you're doing this a lot, you may find it more more efficient to use
> a key to allow you quick access into the branch1 elements by name.
> The key would look like:
> <xsl:key name="branch1-elements"
>        match="branch1/*"
>        use="name()" />
> You could then quickly get at the relevant branch1 element by name
> with:
> <xsl:apply-templates select="key('branch1-elements', name())" />
> If you don't use a key, it's probably a bit more efficient to store
> the branch1 elements in a variable that you create outside the
> xsl:for-each, and then index into that list.  This is because building
> up a list each time will probably be more work for the processor:
> <xsl:variable name="branch1-elements" select="//branch1/*" />
> <xsl:for-each select="*">
>    ...
>    <xsl:apply-templates
>      select="$branch1-elements[name() = name(current())]" />
>    ...
> </xsl:for-each>
> I hope that helps,
> Jeni
> ---
> Jeni Tennison

Jo Bourne
Virtual Artists Pty Ltd

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