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Re: Re: lookup-table thoughts (was Re: matching multiple times, outputting once?

--- Jeni Tennison <> wrote:
> Mike Kay wrote:
> > As for the divide-and-conquer algorithm, it looks interesting and
> > performs well, but as it produces completely different output from
> > the other two, I can't quite see the relevance.
> Gah, yes, my idiocy. Dimitre, can you see a way of using a divide
> and conquer algorithm to produce a multiply-nested tree?
> <xsl:call-template name="accumDivAndConquer">
>   <xsl:with-param name="count" select="3" />
>   <xsl:with-param name="base" select="'foo'" />
> </xsl:call-template>
> producing:
> <foo>
>   <foo>
>     <foo>foo</foo>
>   </foo>
> </foo>

Hi Jeni,

Is this what you wished? I'm afraid it's performance seems to be no better than
O(N*N), hope I'm wrong.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
  <xsl:output indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:call-template name="accumDivAndConquer">
      <xsl:with-param name="count" select="10" />
      <xsl:with-param name="base" select="'foo'" />
  <xsl:template name="accumDivAndConquer">
    <xsl:param name="count" />
    <xsl:param name="base"/>
      <xsl:when test="$count = 1">
	<xsl:element name="{$base}">
	  <xsl:value-of select="$base"/>
      <xsl:when test="$count >= 2">
	<xsl:variable name="vHalf" select="floor($count div 2)"/>
	<xsl:variable name="vrtfPart1">
	  <xsl:call-template name="accumDivAndConquer">
	    <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$vHalf" />
	    <xsl:with-param name="base" select="'foo'" />
	<xsl:variable name="vrtfPart2">
	  <xsl:call-template name="accumDivAndConquer">
	    <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count - $vHalf" />
	    <xsl:with-param name="base" select="'foo'" />
	<xsl:apply-templates select="msxsl:node-set($vrtfPart1)/*" 
	  <xsl:with-param name="pTree2" select="msxsl:node-set($vrtfPart2)/*"/>
	  <xsl:with-param name="base" select="'foo'" />
  <xsl:template match="node() | @*" mode="mergeTrees">
    <xsl:param name="pTree2" select="/.."/>
    <xsl:param name="base" select="'foo'" />
      <xsl:when test="self::text() and . = $base">
	<xsl:copy-of select="$pTree2"/>
	  <xsl:apply-templates select="node() | @*" mode="mergeTrees">
	    <xsl:with-param name="pTree2" select="$pTree2"/>
	    <xsl:with-param name="base" select="'foo'" />


Dimitre Novatchev.

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