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Re: sort | uniq via keys

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Wendell Piez wrote:

> Using the following:: axis on your for-each, you are selecting nodes from
> those following your context node, the '/db' you have matched on.
> But your db is your document element, and has no following nodes.
> Just select your descendants (select="descendant::*[...]) and it should work.

Thank you Wendell.

I am curious then as to the difference b/t the descendant, following,
and following-sibling axes.

In addition, consider the following problem.  Instead of sorting and uniqing the
element names of `all' nodes in the input tree, I'd like to extract
the names of elements residing at the same `level' in the input tree, assuming a
balanced input tree.


in the following data


I would like the following output,

first level
a b c

second level
d e f g h i

third level
j k l m n o p q r s t u

The following is my initial solution.

<xsl:template match="/db" priority="0.7">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="*[1]"/>

<xsl:template match="*">

   <xsl:for-each select="following-sibling::*">
      <xsl:sort select="name()"/>
      <xsl:value-of value="name()" />

  <xsl:apply-templates select="*[1]"/>


<xsl:template match="text()"/>

This runs down the left-most path of the tree and collects siblings.
The problem is that is works at the sibling level, while I am
interested in an `entire' level in the tree.

Thank You and Best Regards,

Saverio Perugini

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