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Hola Isabella:

I'm not a guru but I CAN rally understand your situation
in a hurry this can help you:

<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&#60;</xsl:text> prints <
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&#62;</xsl:text> prints >

if trying to print more complex code this is usefull:

<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
 function asignaValor(){
  strOk = true;
  if(document.validar.title.value < 0){
   strOk = false;
   alert("bla bla bla");
  return strOk;


 function .... < whatever code you want > using any character ><"" ' 

a usefull url about xslt for inprove your knowledge about
check it out before post a new thread

(I've send some mails to your personal mail but don't know if you have reade them)
hasta la proxima

Aniceto Lopez
download our music for free

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