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Getting the value of an entity

I want to know if using a XSLT stylesheet is possible to access
to the information associated to a entity. I explain it using
an example:

I have a document like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [
   <!NOTATION GIF PUBLIC "+//ISBN 0-7923-1::Graphic Notation//NOTATION
Microsoft Windows bitmap//EN">
   <!ELEMENT root (include, txt)>
   <!ELEMENT txt (#PCDATA)>
   <!ELEMENT include EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST include ref ENTITY>
   <!ENTITY mygif SYSTEM "draw.gif" NDATA GIF>
  <include ref="mygif"/>
  Some text

And I want that my stylesheet generates something like this

<head><title>A title</title></head>
<a img="draw.gif"/>
Some text

And for that I need to access to the name of the gif file
("draw.gif" in the example) that is associated with the
entity mygif.

Thanks in advance

César Ignacio García Osorio                  phone : +34 947 258989
Área de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos            +34 947 258970
Escuela Politécnica Superior                 fax   : +34 947 258910
Universidad de Burgos.                       e-mail:
Av. Cantabria S/N
09006 - Burgos. Spain.

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