Is it possible to use a linker script to preserve unreferenced static C++ class instances defined in a static library?

Erik Christiansen
Fri May 17 11:52:00 GMT 2013

On 16.05.13 15:51, Bob Mowry wrote:
>   Currently I'm using this linker script in an attempt to get the
> linker to keep all items in the .data segment:
> {
>     .data :
>     {
>         KEEP(*(.data))
>     }
> }
>   But it seems to have no impact.

Is it certain that the input section names match ".data"?
Something like .data1 or .data.suchlike would need .data* (or .data?),
and .data.*, respectively. The '*' outside the inner braces is only
saying "any filename".

Hopefully that takes us a step closer to the cause.


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