Updated: {libXft/libXft2/libXft-devel}-2.1.7-1: A client-side font API for X applications

Dr. Volker Zell dr.volker.zell@oracle.com
Sun Apr 6 15:48:00 GMT 2008


New versions of 'libXft/libXft2/libXft-devel' have been uploaded to a server near you.

The current version of Xft (2.0) provides a client-side font API for X applications.
It uses Fontconfig to select fonts and the X protocol for rendering them. When
available, Xft uses the Render extension to accelerate text drawing. When Render
is not available, Xft uses the core protocol to draw client-side glyphs. This
provides completely compatible support of client-side fonts for all X servers.

Cygwin NEWS:

 o Maintainer change
 o Switched to cygport build framework
 o Changed layout from /usr/X11R6 to /usr hierarchy
 o Preinstall script removes /usr/include/X11 symbolic link,
   it will be replaced with a real directory during installation
 o Postinstall script changes occurences of /usr/X11R6/lib/libXft.la -> /usr/lib/libXft.la
   in all .la files in /usr/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib to make libtool happy

libXft NEWS:
  Change FC_CHARCELL and FC_MONO interpretation.  FC_MONO no longer clips  
  glyphs to charcell, you must specify FC_CHARCELL for that.

  Add support for FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden where it exists (which it usually

  Avoid crashing when using FT_Face objects.

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on the
http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your system.
Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick up 'libXft' from
the 'X11' or 'Libs' category (it should already be selected).

Note that downloads from sources.redhat.com (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need to
find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to you:

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

Dr. Volker Zell
volunteer cygwin libXft maintainer

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