Updated: {emacs,emacs-X11,emacs-el}-23.3-2 (TEST)

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Fri Mar 25 13:01:00 GMT 2011

New test releases of the emacs, emacs-X11, and emacs-el packages 
(23.3-2) are now available, leaving 23.3-1 as current and 23.2-3 as 
previous.  These are rebuilds of the 23.3-1 packages, patched to use 
mmap for buffer allocation.

Please test this release and report any problems to the Cygwin mailing 
list.  If no regressions are reported, I will promote this release to 
current in a few weeks.

Install the emacs-X11 package if you want to use the X11 GUI.  You can 
then type 'emacs&' in an xterm window, and emacs will start in a new window.

If you run emacs in the Cygwin console, be sure that your CYGWIN 
environment variable (http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/setup-env.html) 
contains tty.

The script /usr/bin/make-emacs-shortcut can be used to create a shortcut 
for starting emacs.  The shortcut starts emacs under X if an X server is 
running and in a mintty window otherwise.  Edit the shortcut and/or the 
script if you want different behavior.

You will need the cygutils package to run the script, and you will need 
mintty and run2 to use the shortcut.  In addition, the user who runs the 
script needs to be able to write to /usr/local/bin.

Emacs is a powerful, customizable, self-documenting, modeless text 
editor.  Emacs contains special code editing features, a scripting 
language (elisp), and the capability to read mail, news, and more 
without leaving the editor.

To update your installation click, on the "Update Cygwin" link on the 
http://cygwin.com/ web page, and follow the instructions.

Ken Brown
Cygwin emacs maintainer

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