Various Ruby modules

Yaakov Selkowitz
Tue Sep 26 20:09:00 GMT 2017

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* rubygems-2.6.13-1
* ruby-curses-1.2.4-1
* ruby-dbus-0.13.0-1
* ruby-gettext-3.2.4-1
* ruby-hike-2.1.3-1
* ruby-hitimes-1.2.6-1
* ruby-hoe-3.16.1-1
* ruby-htmlentities-4.3.4-1
* ruby-json-2.0.4-1
* ruby-locale-2.1.2-1
* ruby-minitest-5.10.3-1
* ruby-oj-3.3.5-1
* ruby-power_assert-1.0.2-1
* ruby-rake-12.1.0-1
* ruby-rdoc-5.1.0-1
* ruby-syck-1.3.0-1
* ruby-test-unit-3.2.5-1
* ruby-text-1.3.1-1
* ruby-tk-0.2.0-1

This is an update to a number of various Ruby module packages.


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