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Re: [PATCH 1/1] Keep the denormal-operand exception masked; modify FE_ALL_EXCEPT accordingly.

On 2018-08-15 16:59, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug 15 16:54, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug 15 12:59, J.H. van de Water wrote:
> By excluding the denormal-operand exception from FE_ALL_EXCEPT, it will not
> be possible anymore to UNmask this exception by means of the API defined by
> /usr/include/fenv.h
> Note: terminology has changed since IEEE Std 854-1987; denormalized numbers
> are called subnormal numbers nowadays.
> This modification has basically been motivated by the fact that it is also
> not possible on Linux to manipulate the denormal-operand exception by means
> of the interface as defined by /usr/include/fenv.h. This has been the state
> of affairs on Linux since 2001 (Andreas Jaeger).
> The exceptions required by the standard (IEEE Std 754), in case they can be
> supported by the implementation, are:
> Although it is allowed to define additional exceptions, there is no reason
> to support the "denormal-operand exception" in this case (fenv.h), because
> the subnormal numbers can be handled almost as fast the normalized numbers
> by the hardware of the x86/x86_64 architecture. Said differently, a reason
> to trap on the input of subnormal numbers does not exist. At least that is
> what William Kahan and others at Intel asserted around 2000.
> (that is William Kahan of the K-C-S draft, the precursor to the standard)
> This commit modifies winsup/cygwin/include/fenv.h as follows:
>  - redefines FE_ALL_EXCEPT from 0x3f to 0x3d
>  - removes the definition for FE_DENORMAL
>  - introduces __FE_DENORM (0x2) (enum in Linux also uses __FE_DENORM)
>  - introduces FE_ALL_EXCEPT_X86 (0x3f), i.e. ALL x86/x86_64 FP exceptions

Shouldn't FE_ALL_EXCEPT_X86 be defined locally in only?
I don't see that Linux exports that definition.

Never mind, I just realize it's underscored so it's internal anyway.

Not withstanding, you were correct in your last message!


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