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Re: suggestion

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 08:15:01AM -0400, Suhaib Siddiqi wrote:
> It cannot be integrated in core distribution of Cygwin.  Because of
> conflicting
> GPL ad X licenses, it took me months to pursue XF86 board members to at
> least integrate
> Cygwin related patches in XF86.  We are allowed to distribute binaries and
> sources 
> separate of Cygwin, but officially integrating XF86 in Cygwin will start
> arguments
> with XF86 board members and may result in throwing away Cygwin support.
> Therefore, answer is no.  Cygwin/XFree86 will always exists an open source
> separate project.
> Binaries will be covered under GPL because they link to Cygwin1.dll, but
> XF86 sources will
> be under X Consortium license, which means if you could get it compile
> without Cygwin1.dll
> linking then your binaries will not be under GPL... which is fair enough.

That's a somewhat weird decision of the X Consortium. Putting the
package into the Cygwin distro doesn't change the licensing terms
of the sources.

Jus as example, the OpenSSH sources aren't suddenly GPL'd only
due to the fact that they are in the same directory as the OpenSSH
Cygwin binaries. They will of course remain BSD licensed.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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