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Re: Environment variables


On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 07:12:20AM -0400, Suhaib Siddiqi wrote:
> Let me explain it to you  why I put %OS%="" in startxwin.bat then i will
> kill this thread, please.
> if you read carefully I have
> if %OS% == "Windows_NT" start /B Xwin............
> if %OS% == " " start XWin.............
> note /B difference.  The start /B is not valid on Windows9x (incxluding ME)
> but /B option works on Windows NT/2000.  Windows 2000 sets in control panel
> OS=Windows_NT
> Therefore if a user uses that batchfile on Windos 95 and OS="Windows_NT" is
> not returned
> then it moves to next if statement and excute the Xwin without /B option.

I see.

> Now this thread is dead after this.


>  What your system admin is doing sounds
> to me a total
> nonsense, because he is changing OS ENV in control panel which Windows sets
> and needs.  Your system admin acts of arbitrarily changing OS ENV had
> nothing to do with
> my startxwin.bat and I did not call him toget an advice how to use if %OS%
> ==

Also, we can blame MS for failing to define %OS%, leaving the customers 
to define %OS% for Win9x. They should have done it for their customers. 


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