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unable to start Graphics driver

Hi there,

Because I want to use the GIS program Grass, I just installed the newest 
version of Cygnus and Xfree in my NT4.0 computer. By giving the grass 
command d.mon x0 is should start up a graphics driver. Instead, I recieved 
an error message:

GRASS:/usr/X11R6/bin > d.mon x0
using default visual which is TrueColor
Visual is read-only or using private colormap
ncolors: 32768
allocating memory...
Graphics driver [x0] started
ERROR - eof from graphic monitor
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
Socket is already in use or not accepting connections
Use d.mon to select a monitor

I tried to use gs ( to find out if it is a Xfree or Grass 
problem. gs exits with errors (unexpected interpreter error -20)
I am using my computre standalone, and all rights are mine. None of the 
files is read-only
Can anyone help me out??? 


Nico M. Pieterse

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