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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin/XFree86 DocBook-based FAQ Draft 2

| However, I need something for 4.3 first: I need an example command
| line of how to load a modmap with xmodmap, and I need to know where
| to tell users where to call xmodmap from, exactly.  For example, the
| answer might be as simple as, "add 'start xmodmap' to
| startxwin.bat, right after the line that starts XWin."  Could you
| send me such an example that has been tested? 

I added "xmodmap //j/" directly after start XWin and it

Actually, the .xmodmap file will be ~/.xmodmap-[computername], but ~
can't be expanded by cmd so.. 

A warning.. Don't use pc-105 and swedish, use pc-105 and
swedish/finnish, I don't know what is wrong with the first.. but ah
well.. here comes a working swedish/finnish xmodmap.


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