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Re: fontconfig & imagemagick

Wynfield Henman wrote:
While building ImageMagick ImageMagick-6.2.9, I found out the the
currently distributed
cygwin fontconfig version to be too old (version 2.2 or so). and two
years of developed have resulted in a (as of now) fontconfig-2.4.1.

I found that this also builds well in the cygwin developement
environment and seems to be aware of installing the
usr/bin/cygfontconfig-1.dll files as well (As long as x-windows is not

New version of fontconfig as found at:

New version of ImageMagick found at:

I don't know how to find out who is in charge of the fontcont, but it
should be updated for everyone.  I don't beleive I found ImageMagick
in cygwin's respository, but is was a
straight process to build.

This is really an X issue and should be discussed on the X list. I've reset the Reply-To, etc. to that list. Please follow-up there as you see fit. Also, right now, there is no X maintainer so if you're looking for updates, you'll need to find a volunteer or create the update yourself. If you do the latter, perhaps you would consider becoming the maintainer? :-)

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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