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CR/NL problem with cpp.exe


Our Windows hosted development tools are compiled under Cygwin and I'm
observing a strange problem with Dos style text files not being
pre-processed correctly.  Specifically, something like this:

 printf("This is a long string across\
  multiple lines");

or a backslashified #define is being concatenated.  Now, if I use the Cygwin
cpp.exe, I get the following (expected) behaviour:

cpp.exe dosfile.c # works fine - cygwin.dll does input translation
cpp.exe < dosfile.c # doesn't work since shell isn't doing input translation

However with our cpp, it doesn't work in either case.  I've looked at the
code for cpp and it doesn't do anything special, just ordinary opens and
fopens.  From what I understand of the way cygwin.dll works, this should be
fine and they should be opened as text files but in our case, it doesn't
seem to happen.

What am I missing?  Is there some sort of define or configure option that I
should be using to make this work properly?  It can't be $CYGWIN since the
cygwin cpp.exe works fine in the same environment as ours so I'm at a
complete loss.



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