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Re: crontab (Attn: FAQ maintainer)

On 8/26/05, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Aug 2005, Brian Dessent wrote:
> > The answer is in the link that Igor gave you.  This FAQ perhaps should
> > be split up into two questions, or at least be made more clear that
> > there are two problems being addressed in the answer.
> FWIW, I second this suggestion.  Joshua, can we have two questions: "Why
> don't Cygwin services work?" and "Why can't Cygwin services access network
> shares?" instead of the combined one?

Now that it's in DocBook, it would be a pleasure. :)
> > The first part about user/system mounts is not your problem.  Read the
> > second part of the answer, and read the 'ntsec' part of the manual for
> > the full explanation.
> ---------------
> > When cron runs your job, it is running as SYSTEM impersonating the user
> > account that owns the crontab.  During impersonation, the user's
> > password is not available and so non-public network shares are not
> > available.
> ---------------
> Now, the marked part above, IMO, looks good enough to put almost verbatim
> into the second question.  Opinions?

Sure. I'll probably leave in the link to using-ntsec.html

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