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Re: Why is setup.exe so difficult? Am I missing something?

Christopher Faylor wrote:

I'll reiterate that the mirrors list is checked twice a day for accuracy
so the only way that a mirror could be out-of-date is if you don't specify
it from the list of mirrors but, instead, use one that isn't in the list.

Maybe setup.exe could check to see if the mirror that users specify is
in the list of mirrors and issue an error if it isn't. That might cut
down on people reporting "bad mirrors".

It would seem useful to figure out what is causing people to believe a mirror is out of whack. I know I've never attempted to install cygwin from anywhere but the mirrors offered by the setup app, and I commonly encounter both of the following messages before downloads even start:

- This setup.ini is older than the one you used last time you installed cygwin. Proceed anyway?
This suggests that the mirror is out of date.

- Unable to get setup.ini from <pick your mirror URL>
This suggests the mirror is incomplete (i.e. who knows what else is missing).

I suspect other setup-related problems I've encountered were a side-effect of the now-abandonded "install it all at once" approach, so I'd have to work at coming up with concrete examples of things that ended up missing or nonfunctional via the advocated two-stage install. Anyone?


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