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Re: useradd & user ids

--On 24 April 2006 16:50 +0200 Corinna Vinschen wrote:

but 'mkpasswd -l -c' offers me an
entry with a uid that is my 6-digit RID plus 10000.

The -c option always adds the default offset. It's not intended for local accounts anyway.

It's not just -c that adds the 10000:

mkpasswd.exe -d $USERDOMAIN -u $USERNAME

also gives a uid that is RID+10000.

The ntsec page mentions using mkpasswd and mkgroup but does not explain how the uid or gid is chosen. I think my comment was prompted by the mention of numbers of 4 digits earlier in this thread. Having a 6-digit RID for my domain account I can see that the uid generation does straightforward arithmetic and not some sort of string processing. (Is it really 19106 this year? Some people wrote code that thinks so.)

-- Owen Rees Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK

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