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Re: Can NTFS junctions be listed?

On Jul 27 09:42, Dave Korn wrote:
> On 27 July 2006 08:10, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > On Jul 26 21:35, Eric Blake wrote:
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >> 
> >> According to John and Holly Klug on 7/25/2006 7:32 PM:
> >>> It would still be nice if cygwin "find" supported junctions.
> >> 
> >> cygwin "find" will only support junctions if the underlying cygwin is
> >> changed to support them, at which point all cygwin programs that do
> >> traversal will do so at the same time.
> > 
> > Can anybody explain to me what "supporting junctions" is supposed to
> > mean in POSIX terms?
>   Make it look like an xdev mountpoint or perhaps a hard link?

Junctions used as mount points should already work by returning another
device number in st_dev on stat(2).  Junctions used as symlinks to other
directories are not treated as symlinks right now and I'm not actually
inclined to implement them at all.  Junctions used as generic symlinks
are only available starting with Windows Vista/Longhorn and are not
treated as symlinks so far.  I will implement junction symlinks when
Vista gets released.  While it's nice to see Windows starting to
implement native symlinks, they are not *quite* as transparent as they
should be, unfortunately.  Another annoying fact is that we have three
different types of symlinks then.  Sigh.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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