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Re: no message or dialog when a DLL is missing

Now, the analysis: according to strace, the spawning process (e.g., the shell) does receive the Windows exception C0000135 (a.k.a. STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND), handles it, and uses it to set exit code to 0x35. My guess is that neither cmd.exe nor the Windows launcher install a handler for the exceptions, and thus the default Windows handler (which creates a pop-up) is used.

Hi, All:

I met the same problem after I installed mozilla gecko-sdk.

I used strace and got some interesting results:
a.) run with the whole path.
$ strace.exe /cygdrive/d/dev/gecko-sdk/bin/xpidl.exe
strace.exe: error creating process D:/dev/cygwin/cygdrive/d/dev/gecko-sdk/bin/xp
idl.exe, (error 3)

b.) goto that dir, then run
$ strace.exe ./xpidl.exe
--- Process 1736, exception C0000135 at 7C984ED1
ypwang@ypwang /cygdrive/d/dev/gecko-sdk/bin
It will pop-pu the "cannot find Xxx.dll " windows.

These strange behaviour is caused by in utils. When given a's
path, it can not parse it correctly (ONLY when with  /cygdrive/xxx,
/usr/bin/xxx is OK.) . the attachment shows the evidence.

So It seems cygwin can handle the exception (at least in strace). It
is maybe a question to the bash 3.1.

Best Regards.


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