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RE: Mapping of \device\harddisk12 and beyond

On 01 November 2006 14:37, Loh, Joe wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback Dave.
> Is there a solution to getting more devices mapped without modifying the
> Cygwin source?  We test with Cygwin using distributed components only.
> We do develop our own test components under Cygwin, so a programmatic
> recommendation is acceptable.
> Mapping something like /dev/sda to /dev/sdz, then /dev/sdaa to
> /dev/sdaz, then /dev/sdba all the way to /dev/sdzz maybe?

  No, I'm afraid that won't work, because only /dev/sda ... /dev/sdz exist by
default.  "mknod" doesn't work on cygwin the same way it works on *nix: yes,
it creates a special file representing a device, but there is no kernel to
translate special device major/minor numbers into actual hardware devices.

  The sources that I pointed you at are the only connection between files and
devices on cygwin, and you do need to modify them.  However, it is simple and
reliable, so you should not worry about using the technique; you're only doing
what the cygwin dll already does, just for more device names.

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