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Re: Two short scripts for Cygwin-Windows interoperation

Igor Peshansky wrote:
The point I was making was that maybe we could add another option to
cygpath to retrieve the "My Documents" path... Opinions?

Yes, good point. I would suggest:

-M, --mydocs output 'My Documents' directory

and as an extension for still missing folders:

-F n, --folder=n output special folder with CSIDL value n (with 0xHEX allowed)


$ cygpath -M
/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/USER/My Documents

$ cygpath -F 5
/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/USER/My Documents

$ cygpath -F 0x19
/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/All Users/Desktop

$ cygpath -F 0x1a
/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/USER/Application Data

$ cygpath -F 0x35
/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/All Users/My Music

With a simple wrapper script, all symbolic may be used:

n="$(sed -n 's,#define CSIDL_'"$1"'\t\([0-9]*\),\1,p' /usr/include/w32api/shlobj.h)"
cygpath -F ${n:?"$1 not found"}

Thanks for any comment


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