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Re: stupid spaces in environment vars

This is not a bug, you're just not listening to what people are telling you.
As Brian said, "In general whenever you have a variable that might
contain spaces you just need to quote it."


On 2/8/07, David Bear wrote:
thanks you very much. However, there is still something that doesn't work.
Here's a simple script that has problems.

# the user has write access to
src=`cygpath $USERPROFILE`
should be:
src=`cygpath "$USERPROFILE"`
echo $src
should be
echo "$src"
opts=" -av --dry-run -e ssh"
rsync $opts "$src/" $USER@$r:~/$HOSTNAME

though the quoting doesn't matter much for the `echo' command, since `echo' just concatenates its arguments with spaces. Your way, you're passing cygpath two separate arguments, separated by the space in $USERPROFILE, and it's translating each of them separately and printing each one on a new line. That's clearly wrong. If you put "$USERPROFILE" in double quotes, cygpath sees it as one argument and translates it as one argument. That's just how quoting the character that separates arguments needs to be; there's no way around it, and quoting properly is much easier than embedding backslashes.

Think about why it needs to be this way; your rsync command is a
perfect example!

rsync $opts "$src/" $USER@$r:~/$HOSTNAME

even though $opts has spaces in it, you want it to be interpretted as many separate arguments, so you don't quote it. Since $src is one argument, and it has spaces, you need to quote it. If all variables were substituted as one word, you wouldn't even be able to pass $opts as the 4 separate arguments that rsync expects!


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