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Re: <OT> newlib: pow function can produce incorrect results. wrote:
I do agree that
-1.0 to either +-infinity should be a nan, but then
using that same logic why is -1.1 to infinity and 0.9
to minus infinity equal to infinity and not nan?
Personally I don't really care which way it's done. I
just would like things to be consistent.

pow() since the very beginning treats negative integral values different from other negative values, so you can't make them totally consistent. Maybe you should stick to Fortran or BASIC.
pow(0.9, -Inf) clearly must produce Inf, same as 1/pow(0.9, Inf).
pow(-1.1, Inf) should be NaN, but again, newlib doesn't generally go beyond minimum C90 support. As newlib doesn't go very far in the direction of C99 or IEEE754 support, it is out of the realm of cygwin.

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