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Re: pdksh having problems starting native gvim on Vista x64

Igor Peshansky wrote:
> Can you please post the output of "ls -l /cygdrive/c/vim/vim71/gvim.exe",
> "ls -ld /cygdrive/c/vim/vim71", and "ls -ld /cygdrive/c/vim"?  Also of
> "cygcheck /cygdrive/c/vim/vim71/gvim.exe"?

$ pwd
$ ls -l vim71/gvim.exe
----------+ 1 chris None 3048448 Jun 22  2007 vim71/gvim.exe
$ ls -la
total 36
drwx------+  4 Administrators None         0 Dec  2 23:07 .
d---------+ 20 ????????       ???????? 20480 Jan 30 02:31 ..
-rwx------+  1 Administrators None       901 Oct 19 19:22 _vimrc
d---------+ 17 chris          None      8192 Dec  2 23:06 vim71
drwx------+ 11 Administrators None      4096 Oct 19 19:22 vimfiles
$ chmod a+x vim71
chmod: changing permissions of `vim71': Permission denied
$ cygcheck vim71/gvim.exe

Now I've checked via Windows Explorer the owner of the vim71 directory and
it is defined as myself, but I can't work out why I'm getting a permission
denied error.

I have done some poking though. First I tried setting the owner (via
windows explorer) to chris through the Vim directory, but that revoked all
permissions from all files folders and I got continual permission denied
errors on chmod. There's an strace of the chmod output at [1] if it's of
any use.

So I've gone in the other direction and set the owner to Administrators
throughout the C:\Vim tree, and now every folder and every file has perms
of 700 which were automagically assigned on change of ownership. Thus I can
now execute Vim from ksh. I still get permission denied errors on chmod
(even though chris is a member of Administrators), but now it's not an
(immediate) concern.

Although I've resolved the problem, I'd be interested to know what could be
causing this, although a quick google suggests it could be down to Vista's
UAC [2]. Has there been any more work done in this area, or is the
workaround suggested there still the only one (short of actually disabling

> See /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/rebase-2.4.3.README...  But rebase is more
> likely to fix your zsh problem than your pdksh problem.
> 	Igor

Yep, thanks.



\ Chris Johnson                 \
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