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Re: A FAQ regarding defrag and permissions of nonadmin files?

Dave Korn wrote:
> Andrew DeFaria wrote on 08 April 2008 16:51:
>> Gmane User wrote:
>>> About the log file, you're right.  You need another "analyze"
>>> after normal boot.  It generates c:/FRAGLIST.HTM, which can be
>>> saved as text.  Turning off the switch to produce HTML doesn't
>>> generate a text file, so I guess it's HTML or nothing.
>> Actually HTML is text. It's surely not binary! Every character in
>> an HTML file is printable, for example.
>   That's very interesting, but surely a bit off-topic - I thought
>   this mailing list was meant to be all about defragmentation
>   software, not text-vs-binary file formats?
>   Or in other words, could this thread please be TITTTL'd?
>     cheers, DaveK

Arg. Andrew. My thread TITTTL'd! :(

I thought this was cygwin related because all the affected files are
mostly involved with my use of Cygwin.  And normal Windows users don't
go about finangling file permissions in the manner that unix users do.
Hence (I thought) they won't often encounter similar issues with
defrag related to permissions.  However, no one else has chimed in
about similar problems, so perhaps the problem goes beyond cygwin and
unix file permissions on a Windows box.

I will try to further to resolve it in a windows/defrag forum.

Just as a wrap-up, however, can a few people please say whether they
actually set their nonadmin files to go-rwx, and are actually able to
defrag their whole disk without stubborn user files?  I don't even
know whether I'm an exception in this practice of setting file
permissions, aside from the defrag problem.  My experiment with
boot-time defrag has not solved the defrag problem, even after
specifying "*" for the files to defrag.


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