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RE: Viewing the file and directory structure in a .iso file

Fergus Daly wrote on 21 April 2008 14:29:

> The recent inclusion of cdrkit in Cygwin is marvellous, thank you.
> Is there a way that one can view from within Cygwin the file/
> directory structure within a .iso file? In Linux it would be        
>         mkdir {viewingdir} mount {isofile} -o loop {viewingdir}
>         find {viewingdir}
> or equivalent, but in Cygwin loop is an invalid option to mount. Thank
> you. Fergus

  Nope.  Cygwin doesn't support linux filesystems and only emulates a few of
the most vital devices.

  Well, there's no all-cygwin way of doing it, but if you can use an external
utility such as virtualcdcontrolpanel or alcohol, that makes the ISO appear as
a regular windows disk device with a drive letter, you'll be able to access it
under /cygdrive/ in the usual way.

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