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sshd generate defunct conime.exe ?


I'm runnung cygwin 1.7.5 on Windwos Vista SP2 (32 bit)

I've plenty of conime.exe owned by cyg_server.
I suppose they are indirectly forked by sshd (w/o CYGWIN env var)
through cygwin1.dll or something like that ?
I've an autossh input connexion, so, I suppose that each conime.exe
correspond to each new autossh connexion.
the problem is that conime.exe processes aren't attached to anything !

any idea ?

see the attached output for details.

wmips is an enhanced ps I wrote on my own which combine the
wmic process/service output w/ the cygwin ps one.
<defunct> processes are virtual processes, but the conime.exe
ones are for real.
services are enclosed between [] and cygwin processes between ().
I'll post it one day... when finished :-)

the usage string will be something like :
usage: wmips [-AadefHhLl] [-C unixcmd] [-S svc] [-W wincmd]
             [-O|-o fmt] [-p pids] [-u users]
-ef is the default, -AadHLlOo options are currently ignored.
-C, -S, -W, -p and -u options may be repeated.
pids and users may be a space ou comma separated list.


Cyrille Lefevre

Attachment: wmips.txt
Description: Text document

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