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Re: It's raining stackdumps

Gary wrote:
Ken Brown wrote:
On 9/21/2010 5:12 PM, SJ Wright wrote:
Gary wrote:
And empty ones at that.

emacs, you say? Well, that sort of trims it down

Are you saying that you get stackdumps while using emacs?

If I had to guess at what is causing it, I would say make or some interaction between make or some program used in my makefile - sed, gpp (, /bin/sh, Cygwin Ports' php - and 1.7.7. It has only been happening the last week or two, which is why I point the finger at 1.7.7 (I upgraded on 13th September).

Continuing the thread, since the problem persists, emacs in or running or not.

I've created my own stackdumper script and aliased it to the word "shampoo." It writes to a log file. You'll find the script -- and most recent log entries attached -- on the offchance anyone wants to do the same to document this issue with numbers (dates, times and file-lengths) etc.

Stackdumps are normally created by some sort of code collision, right? What could be causing collisions when a terminal sits idle for four hours and runs one and only one script, albeit not in its CWD, in all that time?

'S a puzzler.

Steve W

thedate=$(echo $(date))
dmk=$(echo $thedate | cut -d" " -f1-3,6)
tiome=$(echo $thedate | cut -d" " -f4-5)
mydate=$(echo $dmk", "$tiome":")
for t in *;
	if [[ "$t" == *exe.stackdump* ]];
		echo "    ">>~/stackdump.log
		echo "$mydate">>~/stackdump.log
		k=$(stat -c %y "$t")
		l=$(stat -c %s "$t")
		m=$(echo ${k:0:19})
		v=$(readlink -f "$t")
		w=$(dirname "$v")
		echo "Found $t -- logging modified date and removing."
		echo -e  "($l bytes) $t  -- removed from $w">>~/stackdump.log
		rm $t
if [[ "$rubbish" -gt "0" ]]; then
	echo -e "Logged and removed $rubbish STACKDUMP files this run."
	echo -e "No stackdump files found."
Sat Sep 25 2010 at 01:01:44 EDT.:
(40 bytes) bash.exe.stackdump  -- removed from /cygdrive/c/blu/newest/
Sat Sep 25 2010, 01:02:50 EDT:
(0 bytes) bash.exe.stackdump  -- removed from /cygdrive/c/blu/newest/
Sat Sep 25 2010, 01:04:26 EDT:
(0 bytes) bash.exe.stackdump  -- removed from /cygdrive/c/blu/newest
Sat Sep 25 2010, 01:06:08 EDT:
(40 bytes) bash.exe.stackdump  -- removed from /cygdrive/c/blu/newest

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