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Re: Enable logging remote ssh contacts

On 4/26/2011 10:10 AM, Fokke Nauta wrote:

Dawud Medina wrote:

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 06:02:00AM -0700, Fokke Nauta wrote:
Is there any way to
enable logging remote login attempts to have a view op what happens?

Check the sshd_config manpage for LogLevel and/or SyslogFacility. Works the same for GNU/Linux, not cygwin specific.

Where can I find this man page?

man sshd_config

I see two sshd_config config pages, one in \cygwin\etc and one in
\cygwin\etc\defaults\etc. Which one do I need to alter?

/etc is the one to edit. /etc/defaults/etc contains templates that get copied to the proper locations during initial configuration. They will be replaced each time you update.



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