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cygwin 1.7.15-1 - .NET console output locks up mintty

I have noticed a problem with the â"cygwin: The Unix emulation engine" package,
version 1.7.15-1.  Output from .NET console does not show up, the console
(mintty) becomes unresponsive and must be killed.  

Reverting back to 1.7.14-2 fixes the problem.

The problem can be demonstrated using a HelloWorld.cs containing:

   using System;

   public class Program
          static void Main(string[] args)
compiling with:   csc HelloWorld.cs

and then running:  ./HelloWorld.exe

This results in no output and an unresponsive mintty under 1.7.15-1.  If
"cmd.exe" is ran on top of bash and then HelloWorld is ran there it does the
same thing.  After reverting to 1.7.14-2 everything is working normally again.  

I am building the executables with VS2010 and running on 64bit Windows7.  I am
attaching my cygcheck.out file.

- Jamie Briggs

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Text document

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