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Re: vim-7.3.943-1 missing command 'let g:colors_name = "elflord"' found in vim-common-7.3.943-1

On 5/17/2013 9:59 AM, David Griffiths wrote:
Gary Johnson <garyjohn <at>> writes:

This is not a bug.  See Yaakov's announcement in the list on May 12,
"[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: vim-7.3.943-1".  He explains that the
packaging scheme has been changed and that /usr/bin/vi is now Vim
compiled with the "small" feature set.  The "small" feature set does
not include the +syntax or +eval feature and does not support either
the :syntax or :let command.

Not a bug maybe but a strange thing to do. I just installed a completely
unrelated package (p7zip) which just happened to drag in the latest version
of vim. Suddenly I start seeing these E319 messages and the syntax
highlighting has gone. Luckily I found the answer here via Google but I bet
you're going to see a lot more people hit by this!

Running 'setup.exe' without any parameters updates all installed packages
by default.  Users can always elect to "keep" the installed version of any
package however.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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