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Re: checking in >= 256k file fatally corrupts rcs file

On 10/8/2013 04:22, Don Hatch wrote:

Checking in a text file of size >= 256k
corrupts the rcs file, irretrievably losing most of the contents

It's documented in the rcs NEWS file:

    - Env var RCS_MEM_LIMIT controls stdio threshold.

      For speed, RCS uses memory-based routines for files up to
      256 kilobytes, and stream-based (stdio) routines otherwise.
      You can change this threshold value by setting the environment
      variable ‘RCS_MEM_LIMIT’ to a non-negative integer, measured in
      kilobytes.  An empty ‘RCS_MEM_LIMIT’ value is silently ignored.

So, use the new environment variable, or build up your huge diffs a few steps at a time, so as to avoid spamming this buffer.

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