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Possible bug with chere 1.4 when configuring for fish

I have installed fish 2.1.0. Works fine, when invoking a new fish shell

However, when doing a

   chere -ifcm -t mintty -s fish

and invoke the new fish shell from the Windows Explorer context menu, I
get plenty of error messages, like this:

Starting /bin/fish
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 1): uname
in command substitution
        called on line 1 of file

in . (source) call of file '/usr/share/fish/functions/',
        called on standard input,

in command substitution
        called on standard input,

in command substitution
        called on standard input,

/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 3): nroff -man
"$__fish_datadir/man/man1/$item.1" ^ /dev/null
in command substitution
        called on line 31 of file

in function '__fish_print_help',
        called on line 1 of file
        with parameter list 'switch'

in command substitution
        called on line 1 of file

in . (source) call of file '/usr/share/fish/functions/',
        called on standard input,

in command substitution
        called on standard input,

in command substitution
        called on standard input,

/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 38):     printf
"%s\n" $help| tail -n (expr $lines - 5) | head -n (expr $lines - 8) |
sed $sed_cmd
in function '__fish_print_help',
        called on line 1 of file
        with parameter list 'switch'

in command substitution
        called on line 1 of file

in . (source) call of file '/usr/share/fish/functions/',
        called on standard input,

in command substitution
        called on standard input,

in command substitution
        called on standard input,

(more of this kind follow).

This looks like there is a problem the PATH, but this happens even when
I use the -2 on chere when installing the shell. Note that bash or zsh
shells installed via cygwin work fine.

In this 'broken' fish shell, I enter

    echo $PATH; uname

and get the following output:

fish: Unknown command '__fish_pwd'
Standard input: echo $_ " "; __fish_pwd
in command substitution
        called on standard input,

/cygdrive/c/windows/system32 /cygdrive/c/windows
/cygdrive/c/windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0 /cygdrive/c/Program
Files (x86)/Common Files/Citrix/System32 /cygdrive/c/Program Files
(x86)/Citrix/ICAService /cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Citrix/System32
fish: Unknown command 'uname'
echo $PATH; uname
fish: Unknown command 'prompt_pwd'
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 6): prompt_pwd
in command substitution
        called on line 36 of file

in function 'fish_prompt',
        called on standard input,

in command substitution
        called on standard input,

fish: Unknown command '__fish_pwd'
Standard input: echo $_ " "; __fish_pwd
in command substitution
        called on standard input,

To compare with, when I output the PATH from a "normal" fish shell (i.e.
one which I have invoked from, say, a bash shell), I get:

    echo $PATH
Files (x86)/Common Files/Citrix/System32:/cygdrive/c/Program Files
(x86)/Citrix/ICAService:/cygdrive/c/Program Files

We see that in fish, /usr/bin is missing from the PATH. This is strange,
in particular if I install chere fish with option -2, because in this
case, fish will be invoked via bash.


Ronald Fischer <>
+  If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port, 
+  and the bus is interrupted and the interrupt's not caught,
+  then the socket packet pocket has an error to report.
+		(cited after Peter van der Linden)

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