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Re: fdisk -l is mute

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Dec 10 22:37, Christian Franke wrote:
Fergus Daly wrote:
If util-linux is installed then
$ /usr/sbin/fdisk
returns a list of options as expected; but choosing one of them
$ /usr/sbin/fdisk -l
is mute.
In the past this has returned filesystem summaries as expected.
Windows 7, all up to date.
Anybody else?
Could reproduce this.

The option -l still works if a device is specified:

# fdisk -l /dev/sdX
Disk /dev/sda: 1.8 TiB, ...

Is this probably because the format of /proc/partitions has changed due to
the new (& useful!) win-mounts column?
The win-mount column is empty for disk entries, only filled for
partitions.  In theory that shouldn't bother fdisk which only looks
for disk entries.  Or, does it?

It doesn't.

A quick look in the source shows that the function sysfs_devname_to_devno() now only checks the path /sys/block/sdX/dev if the device name does not start with /dev/. I presume upstream has removed a fallback to /dev/sdX because this is no longer required on Linux.


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