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Re: Cygwin hangs up if several keys are typed during outputting a lot of texts.

Hi Takashi,

On Feb 28 14:40, Takashi Yano wrote:
> Package: cygwin
> Version: 1.7.34-6
> Cygwin often hangs up if several keys are input during a lot of text outputs.
> To reproduce this problem:
> 1) Start a new cygwin session on mintty.
> 2) Execute
>    or
>      od /dev/urandom
> 3) Hit 'a' key several times during text outputs.
> If echo is disabled like:
> the problem does not occur.

Hmm, I can reproduce this even with stty -echo.  The tty code is not
exactly my domain, so I'm not sure at the moment where to look.  I guess
the locking strategy in the tty code is not robust enough.  Did you have
a look into the cygwin sources in the meantime, by any chance?

Since this is not a regression from 1.7.34, I'll defer this problem
until after the 1.7.35 release.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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