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Re: Bug? attempt to suspend = kill process?

On 05.03.2015 03:54, Linda Walsh wrote:
I usually run the the windows version of 'Gvim' as
it will run even when there is no 'X' running...
I tried pressing ^z, as I would on linux (actually ^y
in my usage).

In the console window, I got a message that it had
"stopped" like I would in linux:


but actually what
happened was that it was killed.

... so.. why no suspend?... it seems like it was trying?
I would not expect a Windows program to be compatible with cygwin in subtleties like exchanging signals.
The behaviour can be reproduced with any Windows program, e.g. notepad.
I don't know which Windows mechanism is used for transferring signals to another process but certainly the Windows gvim does not have the cygwin framework to receive the signal and handle it in a POSIX way.

Could signal transfer possibly use Windows in a way that does not have this effect? (Windows experts...)

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