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Re: Cannot change console mode during usage of expect

On Apr 15 01:17, Keith Proctor wrote:
> Hello, my name is Keith Proctor.  I test FileMaker Server and I have written 
> a test suite on Macintosh. The tests work beautifully on  Macintosh. Iâm trying
> to Use Cygwin on Windows to reduce the amount of rewriting that I must do 
> on the Windows side.    The test includes a dynamically created interactive call
> that uses expect to spawn fmsadmin and then interact with fmsadmin by 
> providing a user name or a password.  An example is below:
> expect -c "spawn fmsadmin open -y -u userName
> expect -r .+:
> send myPassword\r
> interact"
> The issue is that the following phrases appear and wonât allow my interactive 
> expect command to continue.
> GetConsoleMode	// prints once
> SetConsoleMode	// prints once
> ReadConsoleInput	// spews while collecting input from the command line.

I don't understand this.  What does Cygwin expect have to do with these
underlying OS calls?!?  They only work in a console window and they are
not to be suppsoed to be used by Cygwin executables since all the
underlying OS details are (more or less) hidden behind the TTY code.
Also, how are they supposed to work in a PTY which is constituted by
Named Pipes, not a console?  And expect certainly uses PTYs to perform
its pseudo-interactive stuff.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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